Waste Management Services for the Oil and Gas Industry in Northeastern British Columbia and Northern Alberta
Highmark Environmental Services Ltd. has offered the following types of environmental waste management services in Northeastern British Columbia and Northern Alberta.

Drilling Waste
Highmark Environmental Services Ltd. provides sump suitability assessment and registration services, as well as sump construction services. HESL also prepares and executes drilling waste disposal plans for processes, such as clear fluid pump-off, Mix-Bury-Cover, LWD, landspray, and landspread. HESL can also plan and execute drilling waste treatments. When treatments and local disposal options are not feasible, HESL will prepare drilling waste disposal applications and haul the waste to a secure facility.

Well Site Surface Water Management
Highmark Environmental Services Ltd. manages the disposal of accumulated precipitation on oil and gas sites as per BC Oil and Gas Waste Regulations. Disposal operations include field screening of applicable parameters and, if suitable, disposing the accumulated precipitation offsite in an environmentally responsible method, allowing oilfield operations to continue without delay.

Municipal Waste Water Management
Highmark Environmental Services Ltd. prepares closure plans for industrial camp sewage lagoons. The closure plans are reviewed by BC Ministry of Health and BC Ministry of Environment, with which HESL has a close working relationship.

Land and Water Access Agreements
Highmark Environmental Services Ltd. will act as your agent in the field to secure access to water for your project. Local knowledge allows us to quickly and effectively complete the process. HESL will also act as your agent to secure land for LWD, landspray, and landspread.
For more information on our waste management services, please call or email our office .